So last week a woman I know suffered a traumatic experience by arriving home when an attempted robbery was occurring. When I heard this had happened I had an urge to ask her if I could smudge her home to help cleanse her home from the negativity left from this crime. I wasn’t sure if she would be open to a cleansing with sage but I thought who wouldn't want prayer? So I went to her and explained to her that smudging is a way to cleanse and restore balance to her home and ease any uneasy feelings that lingered. I’m happy to say that when we cleared the area, a sense of peace came over me but importantly my friend felt better and was at ease again in her home.
Smudging is something I do regularly in my own home with the intention of healing, peace, and love. Anyone can do this and is very simple once you become more comfortable. The ceremony I do is nothing too elaborate, and the most important part of this would be the intention of the cleansing. You will need to have white sage which comes tied together or in loose leaves, a heat resistant dish, and you can buy a feather to fan the smoke (I just use my hand).
I start with a prayer of asking the Creator to come into the space and provide His blessing over all present and set the intention of the cleansing. Here is an example of one:
“I ask for blessings of peace, happiness, harmony and love to come into this room. Bless all those that enter here that they may be blessed with abundance and health. Please be with those here that they may have an open mind and heart to receive from this what they need for their Spirit.”
I will start at a door, light my sage, and allow the smoke to go up into the air. I start fanning the smoke in the corners and move along the corners of the walls. As I do this, I’m speaking this blessing or a variation:
“All negativity must leave this space. Only health, harmony, peace and love are allowed. The light is our guide and protection.”
I do this throughout each room until I feel it’s time to move on. When I’m done completely, I end with clearing off my aura. Now, you can use your own prayers and way of cleansing your home. As you practice, it will become more natural for you and the confidence in the words will flow. Let me know if you have any questions or how your smudging ceremony went!
Smudging is something I do regularly in my own home with the intention of healing, peace, and love. Anyone can do this and is very simple once you become more comfortable. The ceremony I do is nothing too elaborate, and the most important part of this would be the intention of the cleansing. You will need to have white sage which comes tied together or in loose leaves, a heat resistant dish, and you can buy a feather to fan the smoke (I just use my hand).
I start with a prayer of asking the Creator to come into the space and provide His blessing over all present and set the intention of the cleansing. Here is an example of one:
“I ask for blessings of peace, happiness, harmony and love to come into this room. Bless all those that enter here that they may be blessed with abundance and health. Please be with those here that they may have an open mind and heart to receive from this what they need for their Spirit.”
I will start at a door, light my sage, and allow the smoke to go up into the air. I start fanning the smoke in the corners and move along the corners of the walls. As I do this, I’m speaking this blessing or a variation:
“All negativity must leave this space. Only health, harmony, peace and love are allowed. The light is our guide and protection.”
I do this throughout each room until I feel it’s time to move on. When I’m done completely, I end with clearing off my aura. Now, you can use your own prayers and way of cleansing your home. As you practice, it will become more natural for you and the confidence in the words will flow. Let me know if you have any questions or how your smudging ceremony went!